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Our Mission
Our foundation is dedicated to the memory, of the First African American Lawman. We hold as truth, that these officers of law, were the first major link in the civil rights movement, by bringing all the laws, rights, and freedoms to the first post-slavery communities.
As such, these officers of law, were to be ridicule, and scorned, by their own race, and by, the segregated racism in the police department. We believe these First African American Lawmen deserve some recognition of their role in the history of the civil rights movement.
The intent of this foundation, is to duplicate the success, of the First African American Lawman, who were only allowed to patrol- police, and arrest in the first- black- post-slavery community (West-Tampa-Spruce).
By duplicating, the First African American Lawman, we hope to clean-up, all the first African American communities, and return, the dignity, and the pride, that was once -a- never-embarrass- your-family- race- mentality.
Our Board Members
Mr. Willie J. Massey Sr.
Mr. Willie J. Massey Jr.
Vice President
Mr. Alex Massey
Marketing Director
Mr. Charles H. Le’Duc

Retired Navy Officer

Mr. Darren J. Canty
Community Affairs Committee
Mrs. Yolanda P. Canty
Children & Families Committee
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