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Please allow us to introduce you to Black Women Business Owners, Executives and Entrepreneurs, Inc. (BWBOEE).  BWBOEE is an evolving organization of established business owners, creative entrepreneurs and women in key decision making positions with, but not limited to, government, major corporations, minority businesses etc. Our membership make-up includes women who are successfully balancing professional business careers, business ownership and family.

BWBOEE has been fortunate to attract the attention of inspiring guest speakers and corporate CEO’s who have embraced our ideals of providing information, assistance and contact opportunities to an important, highly qualified, and remarkable, group of women in business who are often overlooked.

BWBOEE hosts two networking brunches per year as well as a holiday event. We also host several training/informational workshops (at no cost to members), to provide support and offer access to valuable information. We also support and partner with Moffitt Cancer Center, particularly diversity inclusion as well as Miracles Outreach Community Development Center, Inc. (donations/mentorship).

We fully support women in their roles as Leaders and hope that you will join us as we continue to uphold our mission to “Promote, Empower, and Connect Women in Business”.  Please follow us at Twitter: @BWBOEEOfficial, and Face Book (Black Women Business Owners, Executives and Entrepreneurs).

Thank you for allowing us this opportunity to introduce BWBOEE, Inc., we look forward to the opportunity to partner with you through membership.


BWBOEE Board of Directors & Executive Committee



© 2015 Black Women Business Owners, Executives and Entrepreneurs, Inc. All Rights Reserved


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